Friday, July 15, 2011

Canada - Flowerpot Rock

Flowerpot Rock and the clear waters of Georgian Bay at Flowerpot Island. Flowerpot Island is located in Fantom Five National Marine Park at the mouth of Georgian Bay in Ontario.

Sent by zoomzter, a postcrosser from Canada.

This is from Wikipedia : Flowerpot Island is an island in Georgian Bay, in the Canadian province of Ontario and is a part of Fathom Five National Marine Park. The island spans 2.1 km from east to west, and 1.5 km from north to south, and has a total area of 2 km² (500 acres). The name of the island comes from two rock pillars on its eastern shore, which look like flower pots.

Flowerpot Island is a popular tourist destination, with camping facilities and hiking trails. The island is accessible by cruises and rigid inflatable boats from Tobermory on the Bruce Peninsula.

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