Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Bashkortostan Republic - Ufa

Multiviews of Ufa. On the left is a mosque known as Lala Tulpan.

Sent by Nelli, a friend from Ufa in Bashkortostan Republic.

This is from Wikipedia : Ufa (Russian: Уфа́; Bashkir: Өфө) is the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia. Ufa is the capital and the administrative, political, economic, scientific and cultural center of the republic. Ufa is one of the largest cities in Russia. The population is 1,038,100 (2010 est.); 1,042,437 (2002 Census). In terms of ethnic composition, it is dominated by Russians, Tatars and Bashkirs. An inhabitant of the city is called an "ufimets". Ufa is famous for its oil, gas, minerals, and Bashkir honey. The distance from Moscow by train is 1567 km. Estimated travel time by car is 32 hours (1357 km from Moscow). Estimated travel time by flight is two hours (from Moscow).

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