Sunday, February 28, 2010


This is another postcard sent by a friend in Poindimie, New Caledonia. It shows Kagu, as this friend said, "it is the emblematic bird of New Caledonia. It's very rare and only lays one egg per year."

This is from Wikipedia : The Kagu (French: Cagou), Rhynochetos jubatus, is a long-legged blue-greyish bird endemic to the dense mountain forests of New Caledonia. It is the only surviving member of the family Rhynochetidae, although a second, larger species of the genus Rhynochetos, the Lowland Kagu Rhynochetos orarius, has been described from Holocene subfossil remains.[2] It is almost flightless, and builds a ground nest of sticks, laying a single egg. It has proved vulnerable to introduced predators, and is threatened with extinction. The remote habitat and rarity of this species mean that little is known of its habits.

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