Images of Krasnodar.
Sent by Anastasia, a postcrosser from Kuban region, Russia.
This is from Wikipedia : Krasnodar (Russian: Краснода́р) is a city in Southern Russia on the Kuban River, located around 148 kilometers (92 mi) north-east of the Black Sea port of Novorossiysk. It is the administrative center of Krasnodar Krai (also known as Kuban).
The city was founded on January 12, 1794 (Gregorian calendar) as Yekaterinodar (Екатеринода́р). The original name meant "Catherine's Gift" simultaneously in recognition of Catherine the Great's grant of land in the Kuban region to the Black Sea Cossacks (later the Kuban Cossacks) and in recognition of Saint Catherine, the Martyr, who is considered to be the patron of the city. After the October Revolution, Yekaterinodar was renamed Krasnodar (December 1920). There are two potential meanings for the new name of the city: Krasno- (Красно-), meaning either 'beautiful' (an older root) or 'red' (especially relevant considering the political atmosphere of the time); and -dar (-дар), meaning 'gift'. Thus, the city's name means either beautiful gift or red gift (i.e. 'gift of the reds')..

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