Ukrainian world music festival "Kraina Mriy" 1.
Sent by Iryna, a postcrosser from Kiev, Ukraine.
"Ukrainian world music festival "Kraina Mriy" is the international musical folk-lore action which passes every year since 2004 in Kiev (Ukraine) during a few days on celebration of Ivana Kupala (Bathed Ivan) – traditional Ukrainian sainting of solstice in a summer pore at the end of june – beginning july.
The main idea of festival consists in a revival of the traditional Ukrainian culture, support of modern musical ethnic styles, acquaintance of the Ukrainian spectator with the elements of ethnos of different people.
Initiator, the founder and artistic director of the festival is Oleg Skrypka, the leader of the legendary Ukrainian rock band Vopli Vidopliassova (www.vopli.com.ua). The title song written by a band ("Kraina Mriy" – "Land Of Dreams") gave the name of international ethnic festival.
Action takes a place as a folk walking fair and consists of Folk-lore stages, Kobza players stage, Workshop of folk dances, Child’s meadow, Alley of Masters, Cossack entertainments, Exhibition of folk painting, Book’s fair, Ethnic kitchens, Literary stage, Evening stage."(Source)

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